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Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Logo
Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 website splash

Sengoku Asuka ZERO (戦国アスカZERO) is a Japanese city building RPG mobile game published by ORATTA for iOS and Android devices on June 4th, 2015. Since its release, the game has hosted collaborations with other popular anime and video game franchises. From December 1st to December 17th, 2017, the game hosted a collaboration with Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School, in which characters from the series could be collected.


Sengoku Asuka ZERO is an iOS/Android game based in feudal Japan, in which a type of black magic has caused military generals who run the different areas of Japan to act strangely and aggressively. Using rock-paper-scissors style type match-ups, the player uses warriors - all female - to defeat the military generals in battle around Japan in order to reunite the country. The player earns currency which can in turn be used in a gacha to earn new warriors. The player also builds an empire in their home village in which all the characters they have collected can be seen and interacted with, earning loyalty with the individual characters as well as additional bonuses. Over time, the game has featured collaborations with many popular anime and video game franchise, with female characters from the franchises being added into the game for limited periods.

Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpna 3 Icon

On November 27th, 2017 it was announced that Sengoku Asuka ZERO would feature a collaboration event with Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School would run from December 1st - December 17th 2017, revealing some of the featured characters' limited edition cards on a daily basis on the official twitter account, @zeroasuka. An official website was also launched, and it was revealed that logging in during the event's duration would grant players a free Junko Enoshima ★4 card. Each character was voiced by their original Japanese voice actors, Chiwa Saitō (Aoi Asahina), Kana Hanazawa (Chiaki Nanami), Ami Koshimizu (Ibuki Mioda), Megumi Toyoguchi (Junko Enoshima), Yōko Hikasa (Kyoko Kirigiri), and Ai Kayano (Mikan Tsumiki).

On the day of launch, a Twitter competition began in which players could win autographs of the voice actors and can badges featuring the card art by retweeting a specific tweet.


「Swimmer」 Aoi Asahina[]

Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Aoi Asahina Sprite
Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Aoi Asahina Item

第十三支部所属。希望ヶ峰学園78期生。元・超高校級のスイマー。元気いっぱいのムードメーカー。やや感情的に なりやすいが、仲間を信じ、守りたいという気持ちが人一倍強い。ドーナツが大好き。本来招集される予定はなかっ たが、代理で出席となった。死んだ大神さくらとは同じ体育会系の親友だった。タイプはジェイソン・ステイサム。

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「Gamer」 Chiaki Nanami[]

Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Chiaki Nanami Sprite
Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Chiaki Nanami Item

ゲームならオールジャンルでいける、超高校級のゲーマー。気を抜くとすぐ眠ってしまうというくらいにマイペース で、人との関わりは攻略法が決まっていないために基本的に苦手に感じていたが、雪染ちさの叱咤激励により、ゲー ムを使った親睦会を開くなど積極的にクラスメイトとの交流を深めた。「ギャラオメガ」というシューティングゲー ムが大好き。

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「Light Music Club」 Ibuki Mioda[]

Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Ibuki Mioda Sprite
Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Ibuki Mioda Item

かつて人気ガールズバンドでギターを担当し、彼女達が発表した「放課後ボヨヨンアワー」はミリオンヒットにもな ったが、音楽性の違いにより、現在ソロ活動をしているアーティスト。超高校級の軽音楽部。彼女の歌は好きと嫌い がハッキリとわかれる。常にハイテンションでクラスのムードメーカー的存在でもある。自他共に認める頭の悪さを誇る。

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「Gyaru」 Junko Enoshima[]

Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Junko Enoshima (Gal) Sprite


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「Despair」 Junko Enoshima[]

Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Junko Enoshima Rare Sprite
Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Junko Enoshima (Despair) Item


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「Detective」 Kyoko Kirigiri[]

Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Kyoko Kirigiri Sprite
Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Kyoko Kirigiri Item

第十四支部支部長。希望ヶ峰学園78期生。元・超高校級の探偵。クールな性格で、ミステリアスな雰囲気を持つ。 探偵らしく常に冷静に状況分析を行い、最善策を見つけ出す。他人と積極的にかかわらない主義だったが、コロシア イゲームを生き残った仲間であり同じ78期生である苗木誠や朝日奈葵のことは信用している。

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「Health Committee」 Mikan Tsumiki[]

Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Mikan Tsumiki Sprite
Sengoku Asuka Zero x Danganronpa 3 Mikan Tsumiki Item

人に奉仕することを生きがいとしている超高校級の保健委員。自分に自信がなく健気すぎる性格が災いし、挙動不審 になってしまい、学園に入学するまで友達に恵まれなかった。よく転ぶためあちこちにケガをしているドジッ子。御 手洗の見舞いに行った際にむくろと遭遇したことで、御手洗の手伝いという名目で軟禁されてしまう。

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Other Images[]

Dialogue/Special Attack Sprites[]

Sprites with different facial expressions which pop up on screen during dialogue or when using special attacks.


The backdrops used during dialogue cutscenes in the collaboration are based on locations in the Danganronpa 3 anime series, noteably the cinema, Hope's Peak Academy fountain, the Hope's Peak Academy ruins, and the Future Foundation headquarters.


External Links[]
